Pastor Colin

Pastor Colin

In March of 2021, Pastor Colin accepted a Letter of Call to serve at Mount Olivet Lutheran Church. Prior, he served at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hanna, Alberta.

Colin began his journey to ordained ministry in 1990. His undergrad is in Sociology from UofA, Augustana Campus. He studied part-time at Newman Theological College and then, at Lutheran Theological Seminary [LTS]. In 2001 he took a hiatus from studying for 13 years. During that time, he continued to farm then work for a heavy-duty truck company. Sundays were spent offering pulpit supply to congregations in Central Alberta.

Colin resumed his studies in 2014, graduating in 2017 with a Masters of Divinity from LTS while serving Redeemer Lutheran Church as a Licensed Lay Pastor. He was ordained in his home congregation at Messiah Lutheran Church in Camrose on June 15, 2017.

Colin & Donna together have seven children and nine grandchildren.

Colin lives by the motto:

“Be kind for you never know the burdens someone is carrying.”

His most common proclamation is:

“Jesus Loves You, always has, always will.”

Worship Coordinator
Youth Coordinator